What Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Do?

A motorcycle accident lawyer is trained to deal with cases involving motorcycle accidents in the State of Florida. The main responsibility of a motorcycle accident lawyer is to help injured riders win the compensation that they deserve.

If you suffered injuries in a motorcycle crash, then you must seek legal representation as soon as possible. There are many drivers who behave negligently behind the wheel, and it is important that they are held accountable for their actions.

The Law Place has a vast amount of experience representing motorcyclists that have suffered serious injuries in an accident. We are here to protect your legal rights after a crash – our team of motorcycle accident lawyers will explain the process to you and be at your side every step of the way.

Our law firm will hold the negligent party liable for your personal injuries, pain and suffering, property damage, and other losses caused by the crash. We will file a claim against the at-fault party’s insurance company to recover the compensation that you deserve. If we are unable to reach an agreement, then we will be ready to take your case to court.

Do not hesitate to phone our office today to set up a free case evaluation, in which a motorcycle accident lawyer will answer all of your questions about your case and help you to understand your legal rights. Our phone lines are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Contact The Law Place now on (941) 444-4444 to schedule a free consultation, and we will fight your motorcycle accident case together in the State of Florida.

The Role of a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Florida

It is important that you speak to a motorcycle accident lawyer immediately after an accident to understand your legal rights in the State of Florida. Motorcyclists are highly vulnerable and exposed on the road, which means that they are at serious risk of injuries in a collision. A motorcycle does not have any airbags or other safety mechanisms to absorb the shock of a crash like other vehicles do.

If you or a loved one sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident, then you are entitled to file a personal injury claim against the liable party according to Florida law. The Law Place understands the type of damages that a motorcycle accident can cause, and we know that you will need compensation to assist with medical bills, pain and suffering, lost income, and more. The best way for you to find out what compensation you might be eligible to receive is to discuss the details of your case with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney from The Law Place.

A skilled motorcycle accident lawyer will start your personal injury claim by conducting an independent investigation into the accident, determining liability, and calculating the compensation that you are owed. If a settlement cannot be reached, then a motorcycle accident lawyer will represent you in court to fight for the compensation that you deserve.

Here are some of the key aspects that a motorcycle accident lawyer will handle:

  • Answer your questions â€“ It is natural for a motorcycle accident victim to feel overwhelmed and uncertain of what to do following a crash. It is important that you feel comfortable to ask any question that comes to mind, and your motorcycle accident lawyer will be at your side to answer all of your questions and concerns in regard to your motorcycle accident case.
  • Conduct an investigation â€“ It is possible for more than one party to be liable for a motorcycle accident. This is where a motorcycle accident attorney will step in to conduct an independent investigation and determine who is responsible for paying compensation.
  • Calculate compensation â€“ Medical bills such as visits to the doctor, tests, surgeries, hospitalization, transportation, physical therapy, and rehabilitation can accumulate very quickly. Lost wages are also another important factor to consider when your motorcycle accident attorney is calculating the compensation that you are owed. In addition, pain and suffering after an accident must be considered as well.
  • Negotiating with the insurance company â€“ A motorcycle accident attorney will negotiate with your insurance company on your behalf to agree on a fair settlement for your motorcycle accident case. It is not uncommon for insurance companies to use manipulative tactics in an attempt to make you accept less compensation than you deserve, which is why a motorcycle accident lawyer is important to ensure that you are fully covered for all of your losses.
  • Legal representation â€“ Sometimes, motorcycle accident claims cannot be resolved through trying to negotiate a settlement with an insurance company. That is why a motorcycle accident lawyer will be prepared to take your case to court in order to win the maximum amount of compensation for your injures and other losses.

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Why Are Motorcycle Claims Complicated in Florida?

Motorcycle accidents can prove to be challenging cases – mainly because a motorcycle crash tends to cause more severe injuries than any other type of motor vehicle collision. Liability can also be difficult to determine when it comes to motorcycle accidents.

Severe injuries can take a long time to calculate compensation for, which makes resolving a legal claim more complicated. Past, present, and future medical expenses, as well as your recovery rate, must be considered when it comes to negotiating a settlement. It is usually a contested process, and you will need a motorcycle accident lawyer with skill to determine your compensation amount.

Insurance companies will be quick to contest liability after a motorcycle accident by claiming that you were at fault, offering you a low compensation amount as a result. Our team of motorcycle accident lawyers will not let any insurance company get away with manipulative tactics, and we will fight to win the compensation that you deserve – no matter what.

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What You Need to Know About Proving Fault for a Motorcycle Accident in Florida

In order to be entitled to receive compensation following a motorcycle crash, you will have to prove that someone else was the cause of the accident. It could be that the other driver caused the accident by speeding, failing to stop at a red light, or violating another traffic law in the State of Florida.

A motorcycle accident lawyer might enlist the service of an accident reconstruction professional, who can establish how the accident occurred and how the other driver might be responsible for the crash.

Hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer will provide you with the support and guidance that you need during this difficult time. Our team of motorcycle accident attorneys will fully investigate your case, collect evidence, and speak to eyewitnesses in order to determine who was at fault.

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Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Florida

The State of Florida has the second-highest number of registered motorcycle riders in the whole of America. In addition, the State of Florida has the highest number of fatal motorcycle crashes every year. It is important that you are aware of the risks when you get on a motorcycle and the different types of injuries that you could receive if an accident occurs.

Here are some of the main causes of motorcycle accidents in the State of Florida:

  • Distracted drivers â€“ A motorcycle can be difficult to see on the roadways, as they are much smaller compared to other vehicles. A driver that is distracted behind the wheel due to using their mobile phone or talking to another passenger can easily run a motorcyclist off the road and cause an accident.
  • Drunk drivers â€“ Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI/DWI) is a serious crime, and a drunk driver is a danger to everyone on the road.
  • Aggressive drivers â€“ A driver that lacks patience might become frustrated with traffic and take out their aggression on other vehicles around them.
  • Traffic violations â€“ Every driver is required to follow the rules of the road, including lane-changing procedures, yielding rules, speed limit changes, and more. In the event that a driver violates a traffic law, they can easily collide with other vehicles on the road.
  • Defective parts â€“ Sometimes, an accident is not the fault of another driver but the company that manufactured the motorcycle or parts of the bike. If a vital part of the motorcycle is defective, then a motorcyclist can quickly lose control of their bike and cause a disastrous accident.
  • Road hazards â€“ Road hazards, such as potholes, large cracks, and gravel, can be very dangerous for motorcyclists.

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Injuries Sustained in Motorcycle Accidents in Florida

Motorcycle accidents can result in disastrous injuries, mainly due to the lack of protection that a motorcycle offers to the rider.

Here are some of the most common injuries sustained in a motorcycle collision:

  • Dislocations.
  • Fractured collarbones, ribs, and legs.
  • Neck or back injuries.
  • Broken hands, wrists, and arms.
  • Broken noses, jaws, and cheekbones.
  • Eye injuries.
  • Soft tissue sprains, strains, and tears.
  • Internal organ injuries.
  • Internal hemorrhaging.
  • Skull fractures.
  • Traumatic brain injuries.

You must seek immediate medical attention after a motorcycle accident has occurred. This could include taking a ride to the emergency department in an ambulance. Some motorcycle accident victims will have to undergo immediate surgery to stabilize their injuries, which might also include a period of hospitalization. Other forms of medical treatment are physical therapy, rehabilitation, and prescription medication.

Medical bills can quickly pile up for a motorcycle accident victim. You will need compensation to cover the costs of treatment and the loss of income due to being unable to work. The financial losses can be devastating for anyone who suffers a motorcycle accident. In this case, you will need an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer to help you recover the compensation that you deserve.

Compensation in a Motorcycle Accident Claim in Florida

There are two different types of compensation that are available for motorcycle accident victims: economic damages and non-economic damages.

Economic damages are calculated through bills, invoices, and other receipts. Economic damages include:

  • Medical bills â€“ The list of medical expenses includes hospital stays, doctor’s visits, surgery, physical therapy, prescription medication, medical equipment, and more.
  • Loss of income â€“ Compensation for a loss of income includes any income that you lost due to being unable to work as a result of your injuries, if your injuries prevent you from returning to work, or if there have been any changes to your income since the accident.
  • Property damage â€“ The list includes any damage to your bike and the costs to repair or replace it following a crash, as well as any damage to your clothes, helmet, or other property.

Non-economic damages are classed as physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish. They cannot be calculated by referencing bills, invoices, and other receipts. Non-economic damages include:

  • Pain and suffering â€“ The list of pain and suffering includes physical pain, emotional distress, mental anguish, and any loss of enjoyment of life caused by your injuries.
  • Wrongful death â€“ Compensation to cover funeral expenses, pain and suffering, medical bills, loss of companionship, and more if a partner or family member was killed in a crash.

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in Florida

It is important that you know what to do after a motorcycle crash has occurred to keep yourself safe. Here is what you need to know:

  • Move to a safe place â€“ If possible, move away from the oncoming flow of traffic to a safe spot after the crash has occurred.
  • Check for injuries â€“ You must put your safety first. Check to see if you have sustained any injuries, and try to check on anyone else that was also involved in the crash. If there are injuries, you will have to call for an ambulance as soon as possible.
  • Call the police â€“ You are required to call the police to the scene of the crash, according to Florida Statute 316.062.
  • Collect evidence â€“ If you are capable of doing so, gather evidence of the crash by taking pictures and videos of the damaged vehicles, any injuries, and the location of the accident.
  • Exchange information â€“ It is essential that you exchange personal information with the other driver(s) involved in the crash. This includes sharing names, phone numbers, addresses, vehicle registration numbers, and driving license numbers.
  • Eyewitnesses â€“ If anyone witnessed the accident, speak to them and collect their contact information, such as names and phone numbers. They might be willing to make a statement about the accident, which will help you to pursue a personal injury claim later.
  • Speak to a motorcycle accident lawyer â€“ It is crucial that you protect your legal rights by getting in touch with a motorcycle accident lawyer who can fight to recover compensation for all of your injuries and other losses.

Motorcycle Accident FAQ in Florida

  1. Are people on motorcycles more at risk? â€“ Motorcyclists tend to face more serious risks on the road compared to people in cars. This is due to the fact that motorcycles offer little to no protection for the riders, and they can be very difficult for other drivers to spot on the road.
  2. Do you have to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle? â€“ It is mandatory that you wear a helmet if you are under the age of 21 and you have less than ten thousand dollars in medical insurance coverage in the State of Florida. If you fulfill these two requirements, then you do not necessarily have to wear a helmet. However, it is always better to wear a helmet in order to keep yourself safe on the Florida roadways.
  3. I was not wearing a helmet in a motorcycle accident. does it matter? â€“ This can be a difficult question to answer. In simple terms, you will not be in trouble for the lack of a helmet, as long as you were abiding by the helmet laws in the State of Florida. If you were caught without a helmet at the time that your crash occurred, then you must not say a word to anyone about this, as it could potentially be detrimental to your case. Speak to your motorcycle accident lawyer for advice and support on the subject.
  4. When do the headlights on a motorcycle need to be turned on? â€“ It is mandatory for the headlights on a motorcycle to always be active, even during the day.
  5. What are the motorcycle laws in Florida? â€“ A motorcycle is entitled to the full use of a lane. Two motorcycles are allowed to travel side-by-side in one lane. No motor vehicle is allowed to drive in a way that deprives motorcyclists of the full use of a lane.
  6. Why is it easy to be injured on a motorcycle? â€“ A motorcycle does not have the same safety features that a car does. So, in short, yes.
  7. How long do I have to file a motorcycle accident lawsuit? â€“ Every state follows different guidelines when it comes to how long you have to file a lawsuit after an accident. You have up to four years from the crash to file a personal injury claim. This is called the statute of limitations.
  8. What if my loved one was killed in a motorcycle accident? â€“ You could be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit under Florida Statute 768.21, which will cover funeral expenses, loss of benefits, pain and suffering, medical bills, and more. This will provide you with the support that you deserve after someone you love was killed in a tragic motorcycle crash.

Your Legal Rights After a Motorcycle Accident in Florida

Your legal rights and available options will vary depending on the circumstances surrounding your motorcycle accident in the State of Florida. The law requires that every driver of a car has personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. However, this is not the case for motorcyclists. Even if a driver of a car has personal injury protection (PIP) insurance, the policies will not cover them in the event that they were riding a motorcycle at the time they were injured in an accident.

The good news is that you will be able to recover compensation for your injuries and losses by filing a personal injury claim if a negligent driver was the cause of the motorcycle accident in the State of Florida.

Contact The Law Place Today

If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident, then you might be entitled to receive compensation under Florida law. You will need to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer with experience to fight for your legal rights and pursue your personal injury claim.

The Law Place has over seventy-five years of collective experience in negotiating fair settlements with insurance companies and winning motorcycle accident cases all over the State of Florida. Our team of motorcycle accident lawyers will provide vigorous representation. We are even prepared to take your case to court in order to make sure that you do not accept less than you deserve.

Our law firm has managed hundreds of motorcycle accident claims similar to yours, and our team of motorcycle accident lawyers has an in-depth understanding of motorcycle laws in the State of Florida. Rest assured that we will work hard to thoroughly investigate your accident, and we will secure the maximum amount of compensation for your case.

Pick up the phone to call our office today and speak to a motorcycle accident lawyer who will offer you a free piece of advice on the smartest move to make in your current situation.

Contact The Law Place now on (941) 444-4444 to schedule a free consultation, and we will fight your motorcycle accident case together in the State of Florida. Phones are open 24/7.

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