Top rated motorcycle accident lawyer available 24-7

Motorcycle Accident Law Firm

Motorcycle accidents present dangers not present in other kinds of vehicular accidents. Motorcycles travel much faster than bicycles but offer no protection from a collision. Driver’s bodies are exposed to the collision and can be crushed between their motorcycle and the other vehicle. The combined speed of the collision can be as much as 120 mph, which is sufficient to leave a person’s body virtually liquefied on the road. In any event, motorcycle accidents often result in the loss of limb or the loss of life.

If you have just been in a motorcycle, and are looking for information on what to do next, read our “What Should I do After a Motorcycle Accident?”.

The Law Brothers® experienced motorcycle accident attorneys can assist you in all aspects of your motorcycle injuries. From minor rear-end accidents to major traumatic injuriescatastrophic collisions, and brain injury accidentsShawn Lalezary and Shervin Lalezary are the attorneys to help you.

Motorcycle Insurance Claims

One aspect of getting into any type of motorcycle collision has to do with dealing with insurance companies. We all know the insurance companies are out for their own profit, but in motorcycle accidents, the insurance company sometimes takes it a step further by trying to close your case out as soon as possible. This allows the insurance company to have you sign documents that may limit your future motorcycle accident settlement.

Another problem with the insurance company is that they may take long periods of time to get back to you with information relating to your case. This is a common tactic used by insurance companies to provoke a lapse in treatment. A lapse in your motorcycle treatment can negatively affect your claim when you try to negotiate a settlement; the insurance company will say that the injuries caused were never regularly treated, and therefore must not be significant enough to warrant a settlement.

The last major issue in speaking with an insurance company involves liability. If the circumstances surrounding your accident are even slightly questionable, the opposing insurance company is likely to deny part or all of your claim, saying you were the at-fault driver. It is important to note that speaking with your insurance company without the supervision of an experienced motorcycle attorney is not recommended. For instance, our firm would assist you in speaking with your insurance company or opening a claim. This allows us the make sure nothing is said to imply any wrongdoing or liability issues on your part.

Our Motorcycle Accident Law Firm prides itself on knowing that when we call the insurance company, they listen. We guide our clients to put them in the best legal position before ever speaking with the insurance company about a settlement. We go over your rights directly with you, so that if you do ever speak with the insurance company, you are prepared.

You can read more on insurance claims at:

Motorcycle Accident Medical Recovery

Motorcycles have an increased likelihood of severe long-term injuries due to the lack of protection they have when they’re involved in an accident. Anyone who has been injured in a motorcycle accident knows that falling off a bike can be extraordinarily painful, with most of the pain coming days, weeks, or even months after the accident. This is because of the initial shock and trauma of the incident. In some situations, the body delays the reaction to pain because of the surge of adrenaline.

It is important that after an accident, the first thing you do is consider your health. Anyone who has been involved in a motorcycle collision should see a doctor. Whether that means going in an ambulance after the accident, visiting the ER, or going to urgent care, motorcycle riders need to make sure their health is their priority. Visiting a medical professional can make you aware of temporary or permanent injuries that you may not even know about. Some of these injuries could be small scratches and headaches, while others could be lifelong scars, or even worse amputated appendages or death. Some severe accidents can include:

  • Scratches
  • Broken Bones
  • Road Rash
  • Catastrophic Injuries
  • Brain Injuries
  • Nerve Damage

Although all injuries can take time to heal, the catastrophic and severe injuries from a motorcycle accident might be life-long. Injuries to the spine and brain are oftentimes not only life-long but also life-changing. Depending on the situation, an accident can put a rider bed or wheelchair, making them dependent on others. This also plays a role in their career; a construction worker may never be able to work again if he is paralyzed or has severe injuries.

The financial burden of getting into a motorcycle accident can be astronomical. From medical bills to having someone to depend on to take care of you, the costs can increase from the hundreds to the hundreds of thousands in days. Long-term costs can include:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Live-in Care
  • Multiple Surgeries
  • Regular Check-up

Our law firm also covers the cost of medical expenses during your treatment through a lien. This offers you the opportunity to recover without worrying about large medical bills.

Motorcycle Settlements and Financial Recovery

After a motorcycle accident, a victim may be limited to the money that is capped by the insurance policy limits. This means that if an insurance policy covers $30,000, the most a victim can recover is $30,000. If the motorcycle riders’ bills were higher, they will have to go in a different direction, often going after the driver through litigation directly. Regardless of either the insurance policy or litigation, anyone who has been in a motorcycle accident should use our motorcycle law firm. Our attorneys know the ins and outs of maximizing your settlement to allow for the highest recovery after a motorcycle accident. From Los Angeles to San Francisco, to Texas, and Washington, our experienced motorcycle accident lawyers are prepared to protect your rights throughout the nation.

Rider’s Rights

One of the most dangerous, and most appealing riding techniques employed by motorcycle riders is known as “lane splitting” where a motorcycle rides between lanes of slow-moving traffic at a high rate of speed. While this is legal in California, where we have multiple offices, it can be extremely dangerous to the rider because the driver of a vehicle in slow-moving traffic may attempt to change lanes as the rider approaches, never aware that a motorcycle is splitting the lanes behind them.

The rider can be caught off guard and unable to compensate or avoid the collision. Assuming the rider is traveling at a reasonable speed for the flow of traffic, the liability for this kind of accident falls on the driver of the other vehicle for their failure to change lanes safely.

The California Highway Patrol may or may not cite the driver of the vehicle. Regardless of the blame placed by the CHP, if the case is properly presented to a jury, the rider of the motorcycle can still win.

National Motorcycle Accident Statistics

In the United States, three out of four motorcycle accidents involve a passenger vehicle. This means that other passenger vehicles are the largest potential reason why a motorcycle can be involved in a crash. Less than one of four crashes are single-vehicle accidents, meaning that is far less likely that a motorcycle would occur because of driver error. Nationwide, motorcycle fatalities have risen by 23% since last calculated in 2020.

Reasons to Hire Our Motorcycle Law Firm

Any personal injury law firm may be able to assist you in filing and quickly closing your claim, but the Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at the Law Brothers® will dive into your case, oftentimes refusing initial offers from the insurance company so that your best interest is held above anything else. Some reasons to hire our firm include:

  • A Thorough Understanding of Motorcycle Injury Law.
  • Opening your Insurance Claim.
  • Calculating your Damages.
  • Negotiating your Settlement.
  • Aggressive Litigation and Representation.

Any motorcycle victim can receive compensation by himself or herself; unfortunately, many of these people will take lower amounts than they deserve. Our firm will fight every step of the way to ensure you are fully compensated for your injuries.

Motorcycle Injury Law Firm

Our motorcycle accident lawyers have assisted hundreds of victims throughout the United States. We can help. Assistance in these areas, plus additional areas in California, Texas, Washington, and the West Coast:

Beverly Hills Motorcycle Injuries
Camarillo Motorcycle Injuries
Hollywood Motorcycle Injuries
Irvine Motorcycle Injuries
Los Angeles Motorcycle Injuries
Riverside Motorcycle Injuries

San Bernardino Motorcycle Injuries
San Diego Motorcycle Injuries
San Francisco Motorcycle Injuries
San Jose Motorcycle Injuries
Santa Ana Motorcycle Injuries
Santa Monica Motorcycle Injuries

Call us today at (800) 820-0000 for a free consultation or Contact Us online.

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